Film House
Film House is a Landmark Building in Wardour Street within the heart of London’s renowned Soho area. The project involves the reconfiguration and extension of a large office development in Wardour Street, Soho, and the merging of this building with an adjacent building in St Anne’s Court. The office space is to be occupied by WeWork, with two restaurants/cafes at street level.
BA Systems were appointed by Bhc Ltd through a recommendation. We coordinated with the team who were the appointed main contractor to discuss our proposal for the balustrade and handrail works which covered the following areas and system types;
There was a mixture of more bespoke requirements on this scheme which meant our standard systems were adapted to successfully meet the contractor’s design requirements.
ITEM 1: Internal Balustrade
- PPC Steel Balustrades with 3 no. 16mm diameter mid-rails, featured a 304 grade statin polished stainless steel handrail
ITEM 2: Internal Wall Handrail
- 50mm 304 Stainless Steel handrail complete with standard wall bracket with cover rose to hide fixings
ITEM 3: External Twin Flat Bar Balustrade
- 60mm x 12mm twin flat bar in external quality steel with 3no. 16mm diameter mid-rails, 50mm handrail finished in 316 grade polished stainless steel
ITEM 4: External Balustrade
- 50mm external quality steel with 3 no. 16mm diameter mid-rails and 50mm external quality steel handrail
ITEM 5: External Guardrail
- 48mm mild steel guardrail with 1no. 48mm mid-rail, handrail 48mm mild steel, all in a galvanised finish
ITEM 5: External Balustrade to Access Ramp
- 48mm steel with no infill and 48mm steel handrail in a hot dipped galvanised finish
ITEM 7: Internal Wall Handrail to Roof Access Hatch
- 50mm 304 stainless steel handrail with standard wall bracket complete with cover rose to hide fixings
Project Achievements
2-Stage Install
In some areas a two-stage installation was required to ensure minimal penetration of waterproofing
Balustrade Height
The external twin flat bar balustrade was designed to a 840mm balustrade height as the balustrade was fixed to an external parapet wall raised from the FFL. Ensuring compliance, the overall height from the FFL still met the regulations of a over 1100mm height from the FFL at a 1125mm height.
In several areas, balustrades were powdercoated to a 7016 RAL which is Anthracite Grey