BA Systems BA Systems

Our Process

We recognise the importance of early design engagement and planning to ensure our products are designed to provide solutions for our clients. Our manufacturing and design process outlines the steps taken from pre-order through to delivery.


Concept Design

At the initial pre-order stage, a detailed design review is completed to develop and agree on a cost-effective and practical design concept. By creating this mutual understanding of the design at the early stages, it ensures that our proposal meets your requirements.


Post-Order Prototypes

Following conceptual design, our design team creates prototypes and samples for inspection and client review. These stress-tests are completed by utilising in-house technology, such as our sample balcony and our balustrade loadings test rig. This stringent quality process removes product defects and streamlines production methodologies.


Detailed Design

Once the solutions have been explored, we are then able to produce final drawings for manufacture. Survey information and prototype feedback allows us to design products tailored to the client’s requirements.


Production Planning

After design approval, production planning and material preparation can begin, ready for manufacture. The cutting of individual parts and preparation of production lines is crucial at this stage to ensure we achieve guaranteed timeline assurance.



Manufacture slots are allocated according to our Microsoft Dynamics ERP system. We have comprehensive in-house welding and tube bending facilities which allow us to fabricate a range of materials including brass, stainless steel, aluminium and mild steel. Materials are then fed into our polishing room which has automated machines which provide the finest quality finishes.



After the parts have been fabricated and finished, they can be assembled for delivery. The parts are laid out and checked off, including additional welding of smaller fixing parts. The products/parts are wrapped with foam protection and loaded on to either a pallet or bespoke made box to ensure minimal damage during transportation.



Once the finished goods are ready for dispatch they are delivered to the client safely and checked-off on arrival. Our modular-based products are simple and quick to install.

Which of our products is best for your project?
Discover the full range today:

Balustrade Systems Screens & Barriers